
Accelerated Scratch Coding For Middle Schoolers

Scratch Advanced Programming Free Course

In this free Scratch coding class, you will learn how to use Scratch, practice core coding concepts, and build an impressive project in just under an hour.

Scratch Programming


Art Association of Oswego

Art Project Videos

The Art Association of Oswego offers free art exhibits and low cost art classes to kids of all ages.

They also offer free art project videos.

Smithsonian's National Zoo Webcams

Smithsonian Institute National Zoo Webcams

See giant pandas, elephants, lions and naked mole-rats on animal cams streaming live, 24/7 from the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute.

Download Animal Cam Bingo Cards. These activities are designed to engage learners of all ages in looking closely and thinking deeply about animal behavior and habitats. Welcome to the wild side of learning!

Hoover Public Library Animal Cam: Focus On The Wild

Live Animal Cams from the Hoover Public Library

Teen Blog from the Hoover Public Library


Girls Who Code



Code At Home

Girls Who Code YouTube Channel

Learn the concepts of loops, variables, conditionals and functions that form the basis of all programming languages.

Oswego Esports Association


Free Intro to Python Coding for Young Adults

Intro To Python Coding

In this free Python coding class, you will take your first dive into coding with Python. We will transition from block coding, which you learned in Scratch, to text-based coding. you will learn how to animate and draw with Python, and will build your own story project to create a cool animation. Like all of our small group classes, this online Python for kids class is led by an experienced teacher. Join us, learn, and have fun!

the rivers end bookstore

Check out young adult titles from your local indie bookstore

Kids Indie Next List

Oswego Public Library

Oswego Public Library has many resources available for teens from tutoring to coding.  Check out what they have to offer.

Oswego Public Library


SUNY Oswego High School Resources

SUNY Oswego has many resources available for High School students.  Check them out at

High School Programs-Extended Learning