
Driving Books Home~Oswego Bookmobile could not exist without the generous support of our community.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Donors.

2024 Driving Books Home ~ Oswego Bookmobile Donations

Scriba Electric

Jeanne and Michael Brown

Denise Dooley

Oswego Inn

Stewart's Foundation

Sharon and Mark Morey

Al and Gay Williams

Oswego Classroom Teachers Assoc.

C's Farm Market

Bame's Wine and Liquor

Jackie and John Howard

James and Juli Boeheim Foundation

Winter Club

Ronald and Gail Openhoske

Ontario Amusements

Compass Federal Credit Union

Dick and Sandy Griffin

Patricia O. Hanley

Chena Tucker

Pathfinder Bank

Kathleen Brown

Linda Shannon

Mears Family Dentistry

Jon Ben Snow Foundation

Rucynski Coleman Law Office, PC

Judy and Wally Tomiyasu

Warner Physical Therapy

Beverly Jones

Oswego County Federal Credit Union

BPO Oswego Elks Lodge

Raby's Ace Home Center

Alice Barry and Robert Jones

Burke's Home Center

Journey of Faith United Methodist Church

Michelle and Mike Palermo

Bosco's Market

2023 Driving Books Home ~ Oswego Bookmobile Donations

C's Farm Market 

Journey of Faith United Methodist Church

The McBrearty Family

Jeanne Rotunno

Stewart's Foundation

United Way

Arena Dental Associates

Linda Shannon

Ron and Gail Opanhoske

Patricia and Mark Slosek

Jeanne and Michael Brown

Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation

Sharon Komanecky- In Memory of Martha Hammill

Katherine and Lee Walker - In Memory of Martha Hammill

Denise and Mark Dooley

Scriba Electric

Sharon and Mark Morey

Randy and Kathleen Zeigler

Warner Physical Therapy PC

Lu Anne Rucynski Colman , ESQ

J & A Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Alan and Gay Williams

Craig and Susan Traub

Kathleen Brown

Deana and James Masuicca

Patricia Hanley

The Sting of Oswego, Inc.

Oswego Classroom Teachers Association

Mary Shanley - In Memory of Martha Hammill

Oswego City County Youth Bureau

Church of the Resurrection

Oswego Lions Club

Town of Volney

Lorraine Smith

Compass Credit Union

Friends of the Oswego Public Library

Amy Green and Neal Pecora

Lisa Glidden and Timothy Braun

Elizabeth M. Wilcox

Beverly Jones

T. J. Burkes Home Center

Margaret Attenborough

Oswego County Federal Credit Union

Port of Oswego Authority - In Memory of Martha Hammill

John Ben Snow Foundation 

James V Tesoriero Charitable Fund

Craig and Susan Traub

Alice Barry and Robert Jones


Oswego Bookmobile New Vehicle Initiative Donors

Adrian Dowdle

Alan and Gay Williams

Susan Bond

Donna Miles

Theresa Slosek

Paul Czerow

McBrearty Family
In Memory of Bernadette McBrearty

Alice Barry

Alison Anderson

Allen and Judy Miller

Ancient Order of Hibernians

Anne DeBlois
In Memory of Charles Josh

Atom and Falecia Avery

Barry and Jean Pritchard

Benjamin Kolp

Beverly Jones

Bonnie Perfetti

Brian, Heather and Leo Sturgis

Burritt Motors Inc.

C's Farm Market & Beverages

Carol Balmer

Carol G Jenkins

Charles D Young

Cindy Pauldine

City of Oswego

Craig and Susan Traub

Dave and Dianne Welsch

David and Kathy Fellows

David Callen

Denny Snyder

Diane C Fernaays

Diane Jones

Dick and Debbie Hogan

Eagle Beverage

Edward Elsner

Elizabeth M. Wilcox

Michael and Susan Segal
In Memory of David Segal

Elizabeth McGrath

Fajita Grill

FOFRA (Friends of Felcia Reading Association) Book Club
In Memory of Charles Josh

Friends of Oswego Public Library

Hough Construction Company

I Heart Corp of Oswego

J & A Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Janet Hutcheson

Jeanne Pratt

Jeanne Rotunno

Jennifer R Banta

Jim and Deana Masuicca

Jim J Photos

John and Ann Allen

John and Katherine King
In Memory of Charles Josh

John and Virginia Gary

John Ben Snow Foundation

Jonathan Shaver

Journey of Faith United Methodist Church

Judith Cass

Katelyn Caza

Kathleen Brown
In Memory of Charles Josh

Kristen N Czerow
In Memory of Charles Josh

Linda D. Dougherty
In Memory of Charles Josh

Linda Fisher

Linda Shannon

Lorraine Smith

Lu Anne Rucynski Colman, ESQ

Marcia Sideris

Margaret Attenborough
In Memory of Irene Gilman and Isaac Jones

Margaret Stone

Marilyn Neuman and Jonny Lake
In Memory of Charles Josh

Mark and Anita Dawson
In Memory of Charles Josh

Mark and Mary Beth Fierro

Mark and Patricia Slosek

MaryAnne Barry

Master Pryor Taekwondo

Matina Sterio
In Memory of Charles Josh

Matt and Katie Beaudry

Michael and Carol Fitzsimmons
In Memory of Charles Josh

Michael and Jeanne Brown

Hope Mazuroski

Mears Family Dentistry

Novelis Neighbor Grant Award

Randy and Kathleen Zeigler


Michael and Susan Segal
In Memory of David Segal

Nicholas and Mary Dellapenna
In Memory of Charles Josh

Oswego County Federal Credit Union

Oswego FUMC Mission Fund

Randy and Kathleen Zeigler

Oswego Lions Club

Oswego Quality Carpets

Oswego Rotary Club

Oswego Teacher's Employees Federal Credit Union

Pathfinder Bank

Patricia Hanley

Patrick Chalone

Peter Williams and Jill Gutelius

Price Chopper Golub Foundation

Puzauskas Family Charitable Foundation

Quilt with Passion
In Memory of Charles Josh

Raby's Ace Home Center

Richard and Mary Lee Keding
In Memory of Charles Josh

Richard M. Hogan
In Memory of Charles Josh

Richard Stevens

Robert and Barbara Moore

Ron and Gail Opanhoske

Ron and Mary Clark

Ronald and Diane Palm

Scriba Electric Inc.

Sharon and Mark Morey

Sugar & Scanlon Funeral Home

Susan K. Blanding
In Memory of Charles Josh

T J Burkes Home Center

Tarandi Foundation

The Sting of Oswego, Inc.

Thomas and Barbara Czerow
In Honor of Bonnie Perfetti

Thomas and Diane Sheldon

Linda Shannon
In Memory of June Aileen Deltoska-Shannon

Thomas Briggs II

Andrew Hutcheson and Julie Williams

Valerie Chesbro

Wally and Judy Tomiyaso
In Memory of Irene Gilman and Isaac Jones

Warner Physical Therapy PC

2010 Oswego Bookmobile Founding Donors

Pathfinder Bank
Gifford Foundation
Tarandi Foundation